Given that it is one of the most important holidays of the year and all of Christendom, should there be a fixed date on when should Easter Sunday should be observed on the calendar?
By: Ringo Bones
It must have been very awkward back in 2014 when Easter fell
on the 20th of April which made for a very awkward Easter Sunday
celebration. Not only because April 20 have been set aside for the celebration
of 420 – i.e. the global movement for the legalization of marijuana not only
for medical use but also for recreational use as well and there had been
recently unearthed evidences that Jesus Christ used marijuana, but also because
April 20 his Adolf Hitler’s birthday which gave a whole new meaning of the “comical
euphemism” - Jesus Hitler Christ. Thankfully to the relief of more “conservative
Christians” plans are in motion to set aside a fixed date for Easter Sunday and
it is safe to bet that it will not be one of “awkward days” between the months
of March and April.
The current Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, had been
in talk with various leaders of the different Christian sects around the world
and the preliminary agreement of the talks suggests that most of them are in
favor of a fixed date for Easter Sunday. The only group opposed to the proposal
of a fixed date for Easter Sunday was the top brass of the Coptic Orthodox
Church. But according to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the final decision to
establish a fixed date for Easter Sunday will probably happen 5 to 10 years
from now. But why is it that the celebration of Easter Sunday doesn’t have a
fixed date?
During the early days of the Christian church prior to the
reign of Pope Victor I (189 – 198 AD), the Western Churches, as a rule, kept
Easter on the first day of the week in the beginning of Springtime, while many
of the Eastern Churches conforming to the Jewish rule of celebrating Passover,
observed Easter on the 14th day of the Jewish month of Nisan.
Through the energetic efforts of Pope Victor I, the latter practice gradually disappeared.
But another problem came to the fore: granted that Easter was to be kept on
Sunday, how was that Sunday to be determined?
The Council of Nicaea in 325 AD paved the way fro the final
settlement by ruling that Easter is to be observed by all on the same Sunday,
that this must be the Sunday following the 14th day of the paschal
moon, and that moon was to be accounted whose 14th day followed the
vernal equinox. Because of the differences in the systems of chronology
followed in various places, however, the decrees of Nicaea did not immediately
remove all difficulties nor win universal acceptance. The Gregorian correction by
Pope Gregory XIII of the Julian calendar then in use in 1582, moreover, introduced
still further discrepancies.
Throughout Western, Christendom the corrected calendar is
now universally accepted and Easter is solemnized on the first Sunday after the
full moon following the vernal equinox as first suggested by an English monk named
Venerable Bede back in the year 700, with the result that the earliest possible
date for Easter Sunday is March 22 and the latest is April 25. In the East, however,
the calendar has not been bought into accord with the Gregorian reform and thus
their observance of Easter seldom coincides with the Western date. In recent
years, laudable endeavors have been made to fix the date of Easter, but
definite results are still awaited. Let’s just hope that the current Archbishop
of Canterbury Justin Welby succeeds and his name will be immortalized together
with the Venerable Bede.