A very esoteric question with a somewhat not-so-esoteric answer,
but have you ever wondered why most elementary school kids haven’t been taught
on the reason why clocks move clockwise?
By: Ringo Bones
Well, the reason our clocks – most of them anyway – move clockwise
and so does our steam gauges is that the modern clock is an evolutionary step
above of the sundial and in the northern hemisphere – where most of the planet
Earth’s people live and civilization first developed – a sundial’s shadow moves
clockwise as the sun travels across the sky through the day. While in the
southern hemisphere, a shadow cast by a sundial will move counterclockwise,
making the modern clock a representation of daylight in the northern
hemisphere. The seasons too are flipped.
In a move that will probably educate the rest of us and help
Bolivians find heir indigenous roots, Bolivian foreign minister David Choquehuanca
launched the horological initiative that not only help Bolivians get in touch
with their indigenous roots but also remind them that they are a people of
Earth’s southern hemisphere. AS a grand gesture of their horological
initiative, the large clock of the congress building of La Paz, Bolivia runs
counterclockwise and the numbers are mounted in reverse in comparison to clocks
developed in the northern hemisphere. If Bolivia’s Counterclockwise Clock fails
to remind Bolivians of their southern hemisphere roots, I don’t know what will.
Even though it is seldom mentioned in the story’s canon, DC
Comics’ Hawkman and Hawkgirl’s home planet Thanagar has its dominant
civilization and most of its people develop in the southern hemisphere of the
planet. Because of this, their clocks and steam gauges move counterclockwise in
comparison to ours. And if the Bolivian foreign minister gets his way, he may
have Bolivia’s steam gauges – as in speedometers and other forms of tachometers
– move in a counterclockwise fashion to remind Bolivians that they are citizens
of the planet Earth’s southern hemisphere.
I think it was a late 1990s Justice League cartoon where Hawkgirl's homeword, Thanagar, was mentioned by Batman as having clocks that move counterclockwise in comparison to Earth's clocks.